Hey everyone! So normally I blog about music, but today I thought about changing things up a bit. Like most teenagers, I struggle with acne. Since I have oily skin, I tend to struggle the most with blackheads. During the summer the weather gets hotter and, naturally, I sweat more. As a result my skin gets oilier and I tend to get more pesky bumps on my face. Now I'm not a dermatologist, so what I do for my skin may not be the best for everyone's skin. I have sensitive skin, so acne treatments with salycic acid tends to worsen my skin rather than help it. Instead I like to use clean and clear morning burst facial scrub twice a week (you don't want to over exfoliate because it strips your skin of its natural oil, making it dry and possibly causing more acne). I also like using Proactive's line, such as the wash and the benzoyl peroxide cream. I also really like Proactive's refining sulfur mask, just put some on a troublesome pimple or area, and overnight they almost completely disappear. Another good way to help your skin is to drink plenty of water! Water in your system helps flush out any impurities. Also, try to reduce the amount of makeup you wear. The heat will melt any heavy makeup into your skin, causing breakouts. During the summer you can get away with wearing little makeup,so try to cut out things like heavy blush or foundation. Personally I skip out on makeup if I'm not doing anything special. If you need a little coverage, use a tinted moisturizer instead of a foundation. It will moisturize your skin while offering some color. Most tinted moisturizers have SPFs in them as well, so you're protected from the sun. Another good tip is to keep your fingers off your face! The bacteria from your hands will make any pimples worse.

I hope these tips help! Happy reading,
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