Hey everyone! So if anything, I would say that when it comes to eating healthy and staying fit, I'm not exactly the kind of person that would be an advocate for it. It's not that I'm picky when it comes to fruit and vegetables (if my mom makes broccoli or corn for dinner, I'll eat it), it's just that when it comes to choosing to having something healthy, I'd rather eat a cookie or a brownie. And I'm not a lazy person, because I like to run, but finding time to exercise is hard with my busy schedule. Part of my New Years Resolution was to be healthier, and I've managed to find some ways to incorporate healthy eating and exercise in my life without really thinking too hard about it. So without further ado, here are my tips for being healthy without really trying.
1. Don't have time for breakfast? Grab a piece of fruit. If I'm in a pinch for time, my go to breakfast is a banana. It's my favorite kind of fruit, and it's so quick and easy that I can eat it in less than five minutes and be on my way out the door. Banana's also keep you full for a longer period of time than a pop tart, because they have potassium instead of sugar. Another good alternative is a breakfast bar, like Nutrigrain or Special K.
2. Try to have at least one cup of milk a day with a meal. I try to have milk every other day for breakfast in place of coffee. The calcium is good for your bones and teeth, whereas coffee stains your teeth and can be addictive. If you can't part with your coffee, at least put in some milk or coffee cream (most have some vitamin D). If you don't like white milk, chocolate milk works too!
3. Drink LOTS of Water. You don't have to have the recommended eight cups a day (that's just a myth), but at least have a couple of glasses. Grab a cool water bottle or cup and just keep refilling it throughout the day. Water is necessary to live, and it flushes out impurities in your body and on your skin.
4. As for exercise, if you can find time to take a walk or run, that's great. I know if you have On Demand they offer exercise videos, and you can find some on YouTube as well. But if you don't have the time to go to the gym, or watch a twenty minute program, my favorite thing to do is just put on my headphones and dance around my room. You don't have to be a good dancer (because believe me, I'm not), but at least your being active instead of listening to music while your sitting around. Just do it for a good ten to fifteen minutes and you'll get a pretty good cardio workout.
So there you go, these are my methods of staying healthy without trying too hard! Try them out and see what happens; knowing you ate something healthy or exercised for a little bit help you feel healthier too.
I hope these tips help! Happy reading,